Welcome to Virtual Field Trips in Geomorphology!
Our virtual field trips allow you to explore the fascinating and spectacular world of various geomorphological landscapes. Look all around and zoom-in on features of interest and observe how the landscape changes from one location to the next.
Sure, there is no substitute for real fieldwork, but this is not always possible. Through its virtual fieldwork, Virtual Field Trips in Geomorpology supports class-based teaching. It can also be used by anyone wishing to explore these environments for themselves.
Virtual field trips are an alternative way to study an area. With this tool, anyone can observe any point of interest, rather than actually visiting it. It is more than simply presenting images and slides. You have the ability to view photos, videos, as well as satellite images, and from different aspects, both in two and three dimensions, and literally visit any place in the globe. It is very easy to use, whereas it is accessible from any device with an internet connection, such a personal computer, a tablet or a cell phone.
Samos Island
30/10/2020 Earthquake, Samos Island, East Aegean
This story map refers to the Mw=7.0 earthquake that shake the eastern Aegean Sea on 30/10/2020 and the following tsunami. The epicentre was located close
to the northern coasts of the island. The earthquake caused an uplift of the whole island, several infrastructure damages and the loss of two teenagers while returning home from school.
Naxos Island
Exploration of Naxos Geoenvironment
This story map guides every aspiring traveler on a journey through space, using charts that include all the rich geoheritage secrets of Naxos. Grasp the unique opportunity to explore the island's ground, underground and underwater geotopes and admire the exceptional natural beauty they hold. Travel back in time and learn the geological history of the island.
Palaeo-tsunami events of Cyprus
This story map deals with the presence of various geomorphological elements that show the occurrence of tsunami waves in various areas of Cyprus. The traveller will become familiar with the most interesting indicators of tsunami, which are referred to as boulders, and are located mainly on the west and southeast coasts of Cyprus.
Naxos Island
Quaternary Geoenvironment - Archaeogeomorphology
This virtual fieldtrip focuses on geomorphological sea level indicators, addressing topics, such as Quaternary relative sea level changes, palaeogeographic evolution, morphotectonics and palaeo-tsunami.
Check the detailed fieldtrip guide in the link.
Rhodes Island
Quaternary evolution of Rhodes Island
This virtual fieldtrip focuses on the coastal evolution, relative sea level changes, tectonic history and palaeoseismicity of Rhodes Isl., allowing students to better understand the complex interactions of sea level, tectonics, and coastal processes.
Check the detailed fieldtrip guide in the link.
Corinthian Gulf
This virtual fieldtrip focuses on geoarchaeological sea level indicators, addressing topics such as Holocene relative sea level changes, palaeogeographic evolution, morphotectonics and palaeo-earthquakes.